Understanding Pallet Pooling

Is Pallet Pooling The Best Option?
Pallet Pooling can be a great packaging solution; however, this method may not necessarily be fit for all kinds of businesses.
Before choosing to source your pallets through a Pallet Pooling Company, consider the following:
Non-Standard Sizing Needs
Do you need a different pallet size other than the standard
1165 x 1165?
Warehouse Racking
Will the pallets be used for racking or remain in your warehouse for long periods?
Are your pallets regularly exchanged between the same warehouses?
Resource for Pallet Management
Do you need the extra resources to be able to manage pallets in your pool?
If you answered ‘yes’ to most, or all, of the above – Pallet Pooling may not be the right solution for your business.
Non-Standard Sizing Needs
The types of pallets offered in Pallet Pooling companies can limit or restrict the way you use the pallets. This is because they only offer the Australian standard size pallets of 1165 x 1165 x 150mm. Your business may manage with standard pallets but at the expense of posing potential product damages from the lack of protection and durability that standard pallets offer. Consider the benefits of various types and sizes of pallets and make the pallets work for you rather than accommodating for them.
We have also found that many customers are using pallets that are either over or under-engineered for their application. The option to customise your pallet ensures that you have a pallet that is fit for your purpose. We’ve previously written articles about why custom-made pallets are beneficial and how they save your goods from damages. As always: feel free to contact our team at UBEECO for any questions you have about custom pallets and your packing solution.
Using Pallets for Warehouse Racking?
If you are looking at sourcing pallets for racking or if you don’t physically exchange your pallets regularly – Pallet Pooling can be a waste of money for your business. Why? Pallets from the Pallet Pooling System are (usually) charged based on a daily rate, and costs add up for however long they remain in your warehouse or property.
Keeping your pallets for long periods would inevitably amount to the same cost – if not, more – than custom-made pallets. That’s why we have, and can, manufacture custom pallets that are made both for shipping as well as racking. The one-off cost for an outright pallet is more affordable than you think and is the more cost-efficient solution if your pallets will remain stagnant in your warehouse.
Intra-Company Pallet Exchange
If you’re exchanging pallets within your group, you’re in a perfect position to manage your very own pallet pooling system. Our business can work with you to customise the size and style of pallet you use.
Perhaps you’d like pink or yellow pallets. Maybe you need something more lightweight with less material and you’re likely to need company branding. These options are readily available and more affordable than you think.
Have the Resources for Pallet Management?
Pallet Pooling has its system which entails the added need for paperwork management in your logistics processes. Failing to manage the Pallet Pooling paperwork may incur further charges on your account; fines and penalties can also be given if the rules and regulations aren’t followed. This also applies to damaged or lost pallets. A quick google search can show you the incredible costs business have incurred when pallets have been lost or damaged.

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